Young Preschoolers

Young Preschoolers

Young Preschoolers

Our two year olds are emerging from toddlerhood and becoming young preschoolers. They have tremendous energy and curiosity to learn and play. We encourage them to explore, their classroom learning centers, based upon math, language skills, play and social skills. The soft surrounding encourages gross motor skills; we encourage social development and use of expressions. Teacher to child ratio: 1:6
Math is more than counting and recognizing numbers, teachers incorporate math into every day activities.
Language and literacy:
Toddlers and early preschoolers are always absorbing language, hence classrooms that are rich in print, with all materials labeled to encourage the importance of language to learning.
Physical skills:
It is important to teach gross motor skills, for the development of the indivuals and for healthy living. Small motor skills are very important too, for hand to eye co-ordination and in the overall development of the child.
Social development:
Social and emotional development is an integral part of today’s society and a very important part for the overall development of your child. We encourage social communication and value good manners, communicating effectively, and developing meaningful relationships as the strong foundation for social skills.